Say you are in church and the dirtiest, most smelly person you have ever met walked into church service and sat beside you? What would you do?
I am sure that most people would say good morning and smile and then focus on worship and well.....
What would you do if that person just told you he had the latest, greatest, scariest disease known to people and that you should stay the required ten feet away from him?
What would you do?
Get up and move?
Stay where you were and debate inside yourself what to do?
Get someone to help you remove the person from church? (I hope not!)
Put your arm around them, tell them Jesus loves them and invite them home for lunch?
What would you do?
I know what Jesus would do.
While Jesus was in Bethany at the home of Simon the leper, (Matthew 26:6)
Can you figure it out? Jesus went into the home of the most social outcast person known at the time.
The amazing thing about this is that his disciples, who were with him, didn't seem to ponder this fact by now. Jesus had rubbed off on them that much already. Now they were complaining about perfume and how much it cost and why did she pour it on his head?
Jesus in a house of a leper.
Disciples didn't care? were use to it? were starting to be...like...Jesus....
What would you do?
(The photo (credit: http://www.indchurch.org/Leprosy-outreach.html) at the begining of this post is of actual leprosy. The person lives in India. For more information on this disease visit http://www.ldolphin.org/leprosy.html and http://www.who.int/lep/disease/disease.htm
It seems leprosy meant skin diseases in general, not just leprosy as we know it. But the alwful affects of leprosy seems to have lead to the terrible discrimination towards suffers.)
Say you are in church and the dirtiest, most smelly person you have ever met walked into church service and sat beside you? What would you do?
I am sure that most people would say good morning and smile and then focus on worship and well.....
What would you do if that person just told you he had the latest, greatest, scariest disease known to people and that you should stay the required ten feet away from him?
What would you do?
Get up and move?
Stay where you were and debate inside yourself what to do?
Get someone to help you remove the person from church? (I hope not!)
Put your arm around them, tell them Jesus loves them and invite them home for lunch?
What would you do?
I know what Jesus would do.
While Jesus was in Bethany at the home of Simon the leper, (Matthew 26:6)
Can you figure it out? Jesus went into the home of the most social outcast person known at the time.
The amazing thing about this is that his disciples, who were with him, didn't seem to ponder this fact by now. Jesus had rubbed off on them that much already. Now they were complaining about perfume and how much it cost and why did she pour it on his head?
Jesus in a house of a leper.
Disciples didn't care? were use to it? were starting to be...like...Jesus....
What would you do?
(The photo (credit: http://www.indchurch.org/Leprosy-outreach.html) at the begining of this post is of actual leprosy. The person lives in India. For more information on this disease visit http://www.ldolphin.org/leprosy.html and http://www.who.int/lep/disease/disease.htm
It seems leprosy meant skin diseases in general, not just leprosy as we know it. But the alwful affects of leprosy seems to have lead to the terrible discrimination towards suffers.)