It is the holiday season again, and undoubtably, on television, there will be shows about the man or woman all alone at Thanksgiving or Christmas. Of course after the last commercial everything is all right and everyone lives happily ever-after, at least until next week’s episode.
But is it really like that in the real world? Of course it is, many people (how many, who knows) will spend the holidays alone. Some will do so because of choice, others because of choices that they made in the past that will haunt them this year.
I would think that it would be indeed a lonely holiday to celebrate it all alone. Having family together is fun and endearing to the heart.
The question to ask is this, are we truly alone?
Read this: “For none of us lives to himself, and no one dies to himself.”
(Romans 14:7)
The Christian knows that he or she is never alone, at any time, any place. The un-believer is truly alone, even when surrounded by the dearest friends and family.
I will be coming home today and will fall into the loving arms of my family. How great it will be to come home to the loving arms of Jesus. I will feast at the table with my children and my wife, someday I will feast at the table with my Lord. It must be truly terrible to die alone, without Christ to receive you.
Until you know the mystery that is Christ, you cannot know what it is to be truly never alone.
Until next time on My Front Porch.