Monday, July 05, 2004

It is sad news...the death of a young person...but what makes is especially hard is that alcohol was involved, an automobile, and poor decisions.
As I go through the school year, I probably will hear of two or three incidents where a young person or persons were injured or killed due to high speed and alcohol.
Poor decisions....terrible consequences....a mistake that someone cannot rebound from.
And of course people ask, why do people do such things? How come this happens? In spite of laws, enforcement, discussions and whatever, it still happens. One time to many.
Not just drinking, drugs, sex, language and walking away from the glorious opportunity to live with Christ.
"For when you were the slaves of sin, you were free from righteousness." (Romans 6:20)
Notice that Paul tells us that when we live in sin, we are free from righteousness. we do not know how to act rightly, we allow sin to run our lives, and we live the converse of righteousness, unrighteousness. We ignore the consequences of our actions and do not want to be told what we are doing.
As the expression goes, advice is cheap, experience is hard. Sometimes the experience is deadly.
As long as we run from God we have made a poor decision. Are you ready for the consequence?

Boom! Boom! Bang! There go the fireworks, blue, green, yellow, red, in many patterns, shapes and of course in great decibels!
Another Independence Day has come and gone, a celebration of our nation’s independence and a reminder of the very large step many people took a long time ago to separate themselves from a king.
In our land, we hold parades, picnics, shoot off fireworks, dress up in red, white and blue, and just generally have a good time.
Independence hasn’t been easy, it took a lot of struggle to build a country and it has not been a perfect job. But it is still going...
“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
(John 8:32)

Independence in the political sense is not the same as in the spiritual sense.

“But the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. “ (Romans 8:2)

Through Christ we are free from sin’s bondage, we are “made independent” from the king of sin and have pledge our allegiance to our new king, the King of Kings.
Through Christ we declare our independence from a life of sin and become part of a kingdom that lifts us up and sets us apart from all the rest.

“Stand fast therefore in the liberty with which Christ has made us free, and do not again be held with the yoke of bondage. “ (Galatians 5:1)

But, just like our country must continue to work to maintain its freedom, we also must continue to stand fast and not lose our independence. We must not fall back and become slaves to sin.

Political rights are written on paper and are only valid as long as people up hold their freedoms. In Christ, our freedom is guaranteed to last forever. It is not dependent on paper or agreements between people.

As long as we know the truth, we shall be free....