Mother’s Milk
The weather is getting warmer, up here on our little ridge top farm. The snow is melting, and the ground is thawing. Soon the flowers will bloom, the leaves will be budding and the babies will be here.
While we don’t have any pregnant animals on our little farm, many farmers do and soon, if not already, the little ones will be here (usually the worst night in March).
As soon as they are delivered, the babies immediately head for their mother’s milk. The first feeding is very important for the newborn animal. It gives them all the materials needed by the animal to survive the first few hours on earth. Animals that do not get the first feeding from their mothers are often doomed, even if they get a feeding of milk later on!
Their mother’s milk is important for the survival of the animal. The protein for muscles, calcium for bones, sugar and fat for calories to stay warm, and other ingredients that helps the baby to grow.
It is no wonder that the scripture uses the same word picture to describe our relationship with Christ. In I Peter 2:2 we read: “desire the sincere milk of the Word, as newborn babes, so that you may grow by it”.
God’s Word is the milk that we need to grow up in Christ until the time for us to partake of solid food, the meat of the Word
“ I have fed you with milk and not with solid food, for you were not yet able to bear it; nor are you able even now.” (I Corinthians3:2) While this verse illustrates that the readers of I Corinthians are not ready for a diet of meat, the implication is clear, we need to grow (mature) in Christ and begin to “eat” the meat of the Word. We cannot just survive on a liquid diet of milk and expect to grow in Christ.
In Hebrews 5:12 we read “ And you have become in need of milk, and not of solid food. “ The writer of Hebrews tell us quite clearly to move on to the meat of the word.
“For everyone partaking of milk is unskillful in the Word of Righteousness, for he is an infant” (Hebrews 5:13). I don’t think you want to be a infant your entire life in Christ.
Just like the calf won’t grow if he doesn’t start eating grass and leave the milk alone, as God’s child you need to leave the milk and start a high protein diet of meat.
And remember, this meat is good for the heart!